Några härliga citat & situationer à la Charlie
Charlie pekar på någon på andra sidan gatan
Jag: Don't point at people, it's not nice.
Charlie pekar igen, fast med knytnäven...
Charlie: That car gives you money! *pekar på en städföretagsvan*
Jag: What? No it doesn't, you have to work for money. Do you know who gives me money for my work?
Charlie: John!
Charlie: Sanna, you look like ms Dunne.
Jag: Who's that?
Charlie: Sarah's teacher.
Jag: Ok, is she pretty?
Charlie: Not like you! She doesn't have a ring in her lip.
Jag: Oh, so you think I'm pretty?
Charlie: I can't say!!! *springer iväg*
Charlie berättar om när han och hans pappa var på stranden
Charlie: There was so many jellyfishes on the beach, it must have been jellyfish-day!